Rentboy services have become quite a popular career choice for many men all across the world. Being a rentboy will mean accompanying the client to various social events, spending time with them and providing them company. Men who are interested in starting their career as a rentboy will need some tips to get started on this well paying career.
Male escorts are in fact hired dates. Several women and men hire male escorts just so they can have some company. Women and men today lead busy lives and in most cases they do not have enough time to impress a man and get dates. There are several occasions when they need the company of a presentable man for various events and that is where male escorts come in.
Rentboys get paid quite well and are actually not under an obligation to have sex with their client if they prefer not to. There are plenty of rentboys who specifically provide services which are not sexual in nature and still manage to earn quite a good amount of money for them. For this reason hundreds of men all over the world choose this as their part time or full time career.
Starting the Career
There are a few things which will have to be kept in mind for those who want to start their career as a rentboy. Given below are a few tips which will help:
The first thing that needs to be kept in mind is that a rentboy will need to be good looking. It is not necessary actually to have an attractive face and features, but the overall look needs to be attractive. Start by paying some attention to your physical shape.
As a rentboy you will be expected to always look great. A rentboy will need to be presentable so ensure that you maintain good physical hygiene and invest in a presentable wardrobe. People will always be willing to pay higher if the escort is presentable and attractive. This is especially necessary for those who are targeting the high end clients. Learn how to entertain and hold your own at social events. Rentboy will have to accompany their clients to various events so it is necessary that they should know how to be their best at such events. Keep your manners in check and learn how to have a lively conservation. If you do not want to work independently you will have to look for an rentboy agency.
There are plenty of rentboy websites for independent escort that are always on the lookout for good rentboys. The reputation of the rentboy web sites depends on their escorts so they will want to choose the best. Do a little research and check the laws in the state where you reside about conducting sexual relations with your clients. Rentboys are different than male prostitutes. In many states prostitution is illegal but rentboy services are legal. There are plenty of clients who will also want erotic services from their rentboy so it is best to know what the law states beforehand. Do not provide any services which are illegal at any cost since it will only harm your reputation and that of the rentboy website.
Starting a career as a rentboy is not so unheard of these days. With a few simple steps it is possible for any man to become a professional rentboy.
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